Thursday, July 30, 2009

About MIT Sloan

I've been rummaging through various blogs and websites about MIT Sloan and these are my 2 cents about the school.

Arguably MIT is among the best engineering schools in the US and anyone looking for an MBA with a concentration in technology is bound to look at it.
Sloan has an advantage of being in the hotbed of technology innovation and with an alumni network that runs really high. But because of it's distance from the Valley, it might not provide as many opportunities as Stanford or Haas would provide.

But the advantage and also a disadvantage at MIT Sloan seems to be that Sloan is very much integrated into the MIT community. That's the reason MIT Sloan is not called just "Sloan". Being so tightly knit into MIT, people do get a feeling that it's more of graduate degree in technology than a degree in management . Likewise, there are people who feel that it's an added advantage for networking with the whole MIT community.

Another general perspective about MIT's student community is that it's not as colloquial as other schools. There' s much more competition among peers than say Kellogg or Ross. And more over , there are visitors who feel that Sloan students are not "touchy-feely" and doubt the camaraderie among fellow students.

And finally the weather, Boston's freaking-cold and anyone not used to those sub-zero temperatures (like me) might feel really irritated with the climate.

I'd like to know opinions of others too as I'm planning to apply to MIT Sloan for fall 2010.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recommend you don't discount Sloan because Boston winters are "cold". MIT is arguably the world's pre-eminent engineering school (only CalTech and perhaps IIT) would be comparable. I have been living in Boston for 4yrs now and have visited both HBS and Sloan classes. Yes, Sloan has a tech bend to it but if you can get in there you will be set for life.