Monday, December 29, 2008

Russian predicts end of US

To add to all the exisiting chaos, a Russian professor, a former KGB analyst, predicted the end of US. He predicted the disintegration of US similar to the division of the erstwhile Soviet Union.
He predicted the division of into 4 different countries with Alaska going to Russia and Hawaii to China/Japan

Ok, let's assume that US did disintegrate into multiple countries, but I really don't understand the rationality behind this "scholar's" logic.For example , he predicts that the southern states(would-be Texan republic) would be under Mexican influence or control. Now, how could the southern states, with Texas , Georgia and Florida go under Mexico. That's utterly ridiculous. The singlemost important point he might have to reconsider is that the southern states aren't the Balkan nations, Georgia or Azerbaijan to have nothing and be in an impoverished condition that Mexico could take control of. The US isnt the Soviet Union to have sucked up all the resources from these states into Washington or NewYork.
And was there any instance in history where an economically dependant country exerted influence on the host country and possibly took control of it. Did Bulgaria or Romania take control of Ukrain..hell no !!
And there are more.. just Read it here - End of US prediction
And just for the sake of the stats, check this GDP of US states

Look at the division of US, it looks to me like the division that news channels make during elections for the sake of projections and opinion-poll, hope he didn't pick up on CNN :)

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