Monday, December 29, 2008
Russian predicts end of US
He predicted the division of into 4 different countries with Alaska going to Russia and Hawaii to China/Japan
Ok, let's assume that US did disintegrate into multiple countries, but I really don't understand the rationality behind this "scholar's" logic.For example , he predicts that the southern states(would-be Texan republic) would be under Mexican influence or control. Now, how could the southern states, with Texas , Georgia and Florida go under Mexico. That's utterly ridiculous. The singlemost important point he might have to reconsider is that the southern states aren't the Balkan nations, Georgia or Azerbaijan to have nothing and be in an impoverished condition that Mexico could take control of. The US isnt the Soviet Union to have sucked up all the resources from these states into Washington or NewYork.
And was there any instance in history where an economically dependant country exerted influence on the host country and possibly took control of it. Did Bulgaria or Romania take control of Ukrain..hell no !!
And there are more.. just Read it here - End of US prediction
And just for the sake of the stats, check this GDP of US states
Look at the division of US, it looks to me like the division that news channels make during elections for the sake of projections and opinion-poll, hope he didn't pick up on CNN :)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Baby Sitting the Economy by Paul Krugman
Go ahead, read the following article, I bet you wouldn't be awed if you haven't heard of economics
Baby-Sitting the Economy
More about him and his articles on his site at MIT
to all MIT Sloan aspirants... bad news!! Krugman is moving to Princeton
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Great Example of Customer Service !!

Read more about this
Friday, December 19, 2008
Problem with Twitter
I believe Twitter has been astoundingly successful, and it marked the coming of social networking x.0 (I frankly don't know what the version is, and I rather not mess with that).
It exactly does what it is says - What're you doing? 140 characters of your status - that's all is required to let your friends/family/fans/followers know.
It certainly has attracted a lot of biggies into the game (read : timOreilly, sethgodin, d2h guykawasaki etc.), and lets people keep themselves updated on what these guys are upto. But I guess, it didn't take care of a few things here. Take my case, I have very few friends(or in Twitterminology - followers) and I started following timoreilly on Twitter. As soons as I started following him, my page was exploded with posts from Tim that I lost the posts from my friends in the rubble. Imagine if I had subscribed to all the guys I have cited as examples. Phew !!
The updates from Tim very so frequent and so many that I didn't opt for the device setup. And embarrasingly, I removed the updates on my email that I got from Twitter, which is the sole purpose of registering on Twitter. Finally I had to unfollow Tim (No , I mean not even a bit of, offence meant to Tim. Period. He's a great guy, and has lots of things going on. I or anyone can't blame him for anything!!)
What I meant to say is, Twitter does gives you the privilege to follow influential people and get a piece of their ideas/style/philosophy without interfering their privacy and that's awesome. Probably that's why you don't see most of these guys on Facebook,Orkut, or other Social Apps where you get friend requests, wall posts, birthday reminders, photos, videos blah..blah..blah. But with so many posts coming from these guys, I feel the purpose of Twitter is losing somewhere.
I do want to follow these guys and at the same time, dont want to lose updates from my friends and I dont want a rush of updates. After all, who needs a Tweet every minute that's not personally important.
The only way that could be handled is to have the ability to group people you follow under categories like Friends, Colleagues, Influential people, Marketers etc. so that you can check what you need the most at the hour
Can something be done about this.
Twitter, are you listening ?
PS: I love the updates from Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos. Succinct, to-the-point and every tweet's worth reading
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thy name Seth
Just an small intro about each of these guys, if you don't know
1.Seth Godin - marketing guru. Great guy, you have to read his blogs or his books. It's on my fav list if you want instant access. He simply shows what exactly "out-of-the-box" means. Not just talk, but in action
2. Seth Macfarlane - See it to believe it. If you ever watched the comedy "Family Guy", you should know him. He is the creator and writer for the show and the way he manages all three charcaters - Peter, Stewie and Bryan is amazing.
3. Seth Rogen - The lesser famous guy of the three, perhaps. But if you are a hollywood fanatic, you would know him. His acting/writing skills are awesome. Watch Knocked Up(in the leading role) or Superbad(he is the f***ing writer ,a supporting actor and the exec producer) or the latest Zack and Mirni make a porno to know what I'm saying.
Hats off , guys !!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Bottleneck CEOs
I was reading about some(successful and failed) start-ups when this phrase hit me. Bottleneck CEOs - CEOs who become the bottleneck and stifle the growth of a company when it has a greater scope to make a mark in the industry and go beyond. And this is especially true in the case of start-ups. There are companies whose growth is hampered because the founder-CEOs wouldn't , and couldn't, let someone else take the role and responsibility of a few critical areas in the company even when they themselves cannot do it. They want to do it themselves, even though they have to re-invent the wheel to learn the whole process.
For example, these founder(s) CEOs wouldn't let a professional(say, an MBA) take care of the finances or a new area of business or a new product. We can't completely argue against it as the founder(s) have a greater sense of ownership and responisiblity towards the company than any employee. But, if ones wishes for the good of the company, one has to let go. If he is the person who took the path less-travelled, then he has to do that again and again.
Take the example of Google, Larry Page and Sergei Brin let Eric Schmidt be the CEO and take the company ahead - this has been argued that Eric really doesn't have a say but is just the spokesperson. Now whatever be the case, Eric Schmidt has been entrusted to run the company while Page&Brin are taking care of the technology to take Google ahead, and the triumvirate has been astoudingly successful.
Why can't all founder(s) let go of a few things when it is absolutely required to?
Agreed that you are the owner, but you wouldn't know how high it can fly until you let go. Don't just be a founder, be a leader too.
Monday, September 29, 2008
End of Investment Banking ??!!
Bankers,Economists and Financiers, pardon me for my lack of knowledge of finance if I said something weird !!
With the last two giants in IB, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, foraying into retail banking and said that investment banking is no longer viable for them, I started to wonder what might happen to the scores of Investment Bankers, wannabe-IBs - all who spent a good time of their life with the sole aim of becoming one. What's going to happen to all the top tier schools (even worse for the middle-tier bschools) that were/are known as "IB Strong schools". What's going to happen to all those 2nd year MBA students(a few who I know) with offers from the bankrupt Lehman Brothers and the sold-out Merrill Lynch and even worse, with the collapse rate of a bank/day(including the bailed out AIG, Fannie Freddie and the cheaply sold out WaMu) what's going to happen to all the Wall Street aspirants and the most dreaded thing, what's going to happen to Wall Street ITSELF !!
Are we going to see the US become a 90's Japan(with the whole financial market crumbling down) or even worse, are we going to see Great Depression II !!! So much for subprime mortgage ?? I know that recovery measures are underway in Main Street with the plan to use $700 billion for controlling the market but is that going to help? I am not going to delve into this matter, as I dont know the outcome nor the subtleties involved.
I think , if this is the status in the US , what's happening in the controlled environments of EU. I dont read a lot of this stuff, but I guess there are serious repurcussions in the EU too. We'll have to wait and see how the mystery unfolds.
But , Every cloud has a silver lining . These are indeed turbulent times but at the same time interesting too. The whole of finance industry will no doubt undergo a complete transformation. Ten years from now, banking will never be the same again, veterans wont be able to recognize the state of the industry and future generations might not know what it was like in the 00's.
I hope, there's some learning from these disasters. People studied the Great Depression and came up with laws and policies, they studied Japan's financial markets and came up with models, Five years down the line, I think professors, financial planners and experts are going to come up with models ,formulations and analyses of what went wrong now and teach the same to wannabe-(what would they be called??).
Monday, September 15, 2008
Oops I did it again!!
I've been going through a storm raging in my head regarding my bschool application, and as the topic of this blog suggests, I , once again, have decided on not applying this time. This is my second time when I have shortlisted my schools, talked to alumni, spoke to my recommenders, started off with the goals/why mba essays and then decided on not applying.
Well , atleast this time, I guess there is a strong reason to support my decision as I was made to think about my application by a bschool alumni and my decision was backed up by a few other current bschool students too , so I dont regret doing so.
And my dear readers, the very few precious people who voluntarily or involuntarily, have visited my blog, I will explain my reason in its fully glory within a few weeks as the reason is not fully ready yet.
I'd just like to wish the very best to all the current bschool applicants with whom I couldnt share my application follies and joys. But may be as a junior to you in bschool, I could take your advice in the following years :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Coach K at Olympics !!!!
For people who dont know Coach K , a little bit of a background here. Coach K aka Mike Krzyzewski is the head coach of the Duke University men's basketball team - aka the Blue Devils. He became the coach of the Blue Devils back in the 80's and has been there ever since. He transformed the team from a moderate college team to one that has won championships and that is considered a strong contender in the NCAA.
The best thing about him,that I like, is his humility and loyalty. He was pursued and offered millions by top NBA teams like the LA Lakers and Boston Celtics, yet he chose to stay with Duke coaching it's college team for the NCAA.
As far as I know(which is of course very little, with just 8 months of watching basketball),I guess no living basketball coach has been honored the way Coach K has been. Duke has named it's basketball stadium as Coach K Court and it's new training facility , Michael Krzyzewski Center.
Simply put, Coach K has gained eternal fame and is living through it.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Final List
Now I think I need to buckle up and start seriously. For an international aspirant like me, I guess UK too gives the same opportunities as the US does and what more, the worker-visa laws are quite simple for an MBA grad while in the US...well , who hasnt heard the visa troubles last year. My final list goes something like this, divided equally(well not mathematically) between US and UK. I believe Iam not app-ing too high given my profile with K and L being the "top-tier" and F,R and O being the "middle-tier"
Wish me luck
Monday, April 28, 2008
My list
This is the list of the schools I came up with after my initial round of research. Need to cut down the list to 5-6 or may be 7. So which are the unlucky ones(or may be lucky) not to have my precious application submitted :) ? Soon, very soon
Chicago GSB
Kellogg , Northwestern
UCLA Anderson
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Darden,Univeristy of Virginia
Michigan, Ross
UNC Chapel Hill
McCombs, UT Austin
Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon
Let Down
The name of my blog seems weird, but I just came up with something that has M.B.A in it
Maybe I'll change it over a period of time but I'll still have the same acronym
So my MBA, I let down myself applying for it. I chalked out plans for applying to INSEAD Jan 09 R2, had everything in place except for the essays. I gave myself a full month to write the essays and started off with the easiest ones. I regarded myself as a good essay-writer, not someone who could weave a web with words, but someone who can create genuine interest. But I failed !
The first essay that I wrote received feedback saying it wasnt INSEAD material. After modifications and re-modifications, it still looked naive. It didnt fit the bill to get me into a top-notch bschool. I did a bit of soul-searching, came up with the drafts of the other essays, checked my work-schedule(which is killing me!), read them again and again, changed them and I gave up.
Now, when I think over it, two things cross my mind. One, Iam either a feeble-minded who changes decision in split seconds or two, I deliberated over the pros and cons of app-ing now and took a rightful decision. So my INSEAD application for January 09 R2 is down the drain. I am looking forward to Sept 09 R1. Then , only then will I know what Iam
I need to gear up, hone my essay-writing skills and crack the pot. I better start looking into the essays right now. But I've learnt that work pressure plays a vital role in the application process and everyone needs to create some space for apping.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Stats make me sick!
Ever since I seriously started thinking of my MBA , I've constantly been bugged by this question. Every year the number of Indian IT male applicants(of course the females too, but there is a gender bias on the school's part) to an international b-school has been steadily increasing and it comes to no surprise that, the AdComs have realized our potential and have made it a point to cut down on us.
It seems as if an AdCom saw a profile stating - 26-27/M/Indian/IT industry, without a second's thought they would say - oh, not another one- and off you go into the trashcan.
Need to prove myself different - ya I did community service, I have some accomplishments outside work, yada yada yada !!. Now who doesn't do that and applies for an MBA. So what else makes us different from each other. One goes to the US, the other to Europe , someone to China and someone to Australia... does it really make a different what country you worked in when you do the samething ...I dont think so
Let's figure out who's accepted and who's dinged!
God bless y'all (of course, me included) Indian IT MBA aspirants